Development of very thin carbide tip and cermet tipped saw blades have attracted industries to use them for mass metal sawing applications as material cutting wastage or kerf loss is very similar to that of band saw machines.

With the technological development of the blade, micro mist spray oil and high accuracy gear boxes, the life of the blade has been extended lowering overall cost per cut.

Many industries have started using carbide sawing machines with much success because of AC servo operation, the maintenance shutdown is less and machines are very reliable for 24 hours working.

Biobased Lubricant for Green Machining What is a bio based product? Bio based products are derived from plants and other renewable agricultural, marine, and forestry materials. These products provide an alternative to conventional petroleum derived products and include a diverse range of offerings such as lubricants, detergents, inks, fertilizers, and bio plastics. For the purposes of … Read more

Here we show how we can simply modify an existing band saw that had been traditionally using flood coolant and transform it into a MQL (Minimal Quantity Lubrication) application. This modification is inexpensive to implement and can be fitted up quite easily, the transformation is remarkable, watch the short video to see how we do it.

There are many benefits to be gained by employing the Unist “Near Dry Sawing” system. Read about the top ten benefits of NDS.

Also at the same time check out the benefits of using Coolube over other cheaper products that are on the market.

Fluid mixing technology This Uni-Blend™ System is designed to accurately mix water with concentrated fluids in any ratio from 1:1 to 50:1 and deliver the mixture under pressure to a customer-supplied piping network. The Uni-Blend™ System automatically mixes batches and maintains a reserve supply of up to 50 gallons per ratio. Up to three batches … Read more

Running on 10ml of Coolube per hour

The owner of this saw wanted to eliminate the messy coolant that was causing skin irritation to his operators, so he called Unist in to fix it. Of cause there are many more benefits when you get rid of coolant, for a start coolant is a toxic waste product and has to be disposed of correctly, a costly exercise which never ends.

In short, the benefits of Unist Coolube® with MQL are:

  1. Significantly increases blade and tool life.
  2. A cost effective conversion for all machine types.
  3. No waste – kind to the environment and no wasting money either More economical in the long run – using Coolube® preserves machine parts for longer and prevents rusting
  4. Clean – no more messy slip hazards from excess coolant oozing down machines and walk ways
  5. The MQL system dispenses precisely the amount of Coolube® needed. No more, and no less.
  6. Better for machine operators – no more dermatitis caused by skin contact with coolants.
  7. Coolube does not oxidise or go sticky.

On the 10th year anniversary of Unist Australia, we are excited to announce the appointment of Lloyd Barker who joins the Unist team as “Applications Engineer”. Lloyd is a licensed electrician and mechanical fitter with experience working in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Prior to joining Unist Australia, Lloyd worked in the robotic automation … Read more

Be at the edge of metal cutting technology Take a look at this great article by our own Tim Walker. Tim discusses the pros and cons of metal cutting technology by applying Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL). This article originally appeared in TLT (Tribology & Lubrication Technology) Magazine’s Oct. 2016 issue. Click to read the article!  … Read more

We are pleased to announce that Unist Coolube Advanced Metal Working Lubricants can now be bought ON LINE via our own shop located on our website. Now you can get all the benefits of Unist Coolube products without the hassle of making phone calls etc. simply follow the prompts and your order can be dispatched … Read more

Machining Coolant

Near Dry Sawing

This is a truly amazing example of  Near Dry Sawing. A basic Chinese machine (slightly modified) running a Rontgen BiAlpha Cobalt blade 7200 x 54 x 1.6 1.5-2 pitch, we wanted to cut a slice from this block of P20 tool steel.

The slice was to be 810 wide x 600 deep x 5mm thick. After 4.5 hours of cutting, the part was measured for accuracy … it was dead flat.

All this was achieved by using our Unist saw system and running Coolube 2210EP. From start to finish a staggering small amount of oil  was consumed only  30ml, truly making for a cost effective alternative to running messy flood coolant.

Near Dry Sawing using an "Advanced Metal Cutting Lubricant" commomly known as a metal cutting fluid. Cut on a band saw using oil spray lubrication

We achieve our results by using positive displacement pumps to send micro amounts of oil (in a spray pattern) down to the saw blade. Where this concept is nothing new, Unist has been able to cut oil consumption dramatically by switching the customers oil to Coolube 2210AL. In one instance, we reduced the oil consumption … Read more