Safety concerns with using metal working fluids and cutting fluids

Are we safe in using metal working fluids and cutting fluids? This is a concern for a majority of people who normally engage in processing metals. One of the major concerns for the majority of people has been the safety in use of either the metal working fluids or the cutting fluids.

What are metal working fluids?

These are the essential fluids used in cooling and lubricating work pieces during the metal working processes. They are very vital in the reduction of friction and improving the quality of the metal work pieces. They are normally packaged in various forms which include straight oils, liquid oils, synthetic oils and semi synthetic fluids. The choice of any of these will depend on the type of metal that one is processing. It also depends on the quality that you would wish to achieve in the long run.

Cutting fluids are very similar to metal working fluids in that the functions are interrelated. They are normally used as coolants and lubricants during the metal working processes. Cutting fluids are further divided into liquids, gases, gels, and pastes. The choice of each of these fluids will depend on the type of metal and the stage of metal processing that you are engaged in.

What are the safety concerns?

Various people working in industries have overly complained of various health complications. These include respiratory problems, skin irritations and sometimes cancers in the long run. The chips and dust that may come from the metal processing will majorly be the cause of respiratory problems.

Exposure to soluble metal working fluids will bring about skin irritation and allergies. Further, contaminated clothing will lead to skin irritation if no proper measures are applied. Some of the skin conditions experienced include dermatitis and acne among others. Bacterial infections are also likely to appear to a person exposed to the metal working fluids and cutting fluids. Still, lack of proper disposal of the fluids will normally lead to fatal environmental risks. It is therefore important that a person using these fluids wears protective clothing. Further, proper disposal of the products should be done to avoid environmental degradation.

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