The Ultimate Guide for Using Metal Cutting Fluids

Metal cutting fluids are simply oil or water based fluids that are used when cutting metals. They are mainly used in the manufacturing industry to produce a wide array of items like wire, coins and other complex products.

Why they are used

When cutting a metal, these fluids help to cool the cutting surface, reduce the friction and improve the tool life. They also help to keep the fumes and dust at bay, which minimizes the exposure of metal parts to harmful chemicals like formaldehyde.

The Available Types

Choosing the right fluid is essential because it will finally affect your productivity as well as the lifespan of your machinery. So, you should understand the four different types of fluids available before choosing one that works for your situation as parts and factories have unique necessities. The four categories to choose from include:

  • Soluble oils – Are fantastic lubricants but they leave a heavy oil residue
  • Straight oils – Are very easy to manage though they generate a great amount of heat
  • Semi-synthetic oils – They produce great rust control though they may foam
  • Synthetics – Are low foam thought not great lubricants

Thus, choosing the right type depends on the work you would like to accomplish because each solution has different properties. Besides, the fluids will have varying effects on different machines and parts. Therefore, remember to select them based on your needs and also on the potential advantages of each fluid.

How to use them safely

After choosing a suitable fluid, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Besides, consider the following:

  • Use the correct speed to avoid generating excessive mist or vapor
  • Allow a time delay before you open the machine doors to enhance ventilation
  • Stick to good working practices when cleaning up and mixing fluids
  • Keep the place ventilated by opening windows or doors
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