Life Time Warranty

So what enables us to have such confidence in our pumps to stand by this statement? We claim that our pumps are 99% reliable in performance and are 99% maintenance free. How can we do this I hear you say.
Unist uses only the finest material in our pumps; stainless steel, brass, aircraft-grade aluminium, and Viton for the seals. This makes the pumps able to withstand the most arduous environments. Further to this, Unist machines to the closest tolerances for all the components that make up our pumps. This is how we can confidently offer our lifetime warranty.
Unist Australia is proud to offer a lifetime warranty on the positive displacement pumps in MQL systems when Coolube® products are used exclusively. To receive this warranty service, you must use solely Unist Coolube® in your Unist system and must register for the lifetime warranty by sending in the provided warranty card.